The purpose of the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) is to advise the CVRD Board or the Area Director on all matters referred to it by the Board or the Area Director related to land use, the preparation and adoption of an official community plan or proposed bylaws. (See Section 898 of the Local Government Act at for the legislation under which Advisory Planning Commissions are authorized)
Most referrals are applications which have been received to amend bylaws, to issue development or temporary use permits, agricultural land reserve referrals and general land use initiatives.
The role of the APC is to make a recommendation to the Board or Area Director on the items referred to it; only the Board has decision making authority on the items. Up to fifteen members of the APC may be appointed by the Area Director for a term of up to three years.
The Shawnigan APC deals with matters within the Village Containment Boundary (see map below).
The South Cowichan APC deals with matters in Shawnigan Lake (Area B) that are outside the Village Containment Boundary. The South Cowichan APC is composed of five Shawnigan APC members and two members each from the Cobble Hill APC and Mill Bay APC.
All APC meetings are open to the public and are usually held in the evening of the first Thursday of each month in the Shawnigan Village at the Shawnigan Lake Watershed Planning Office at 1760 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road.