All Candidates Meetings November 13, 7:00 to 9:00 (Thursday) Shawnigan Lake School, Hugh Wilkinson Theatre 1975 Renfrew Road, Shawnigan Residents Association sponsor November 3, 7:00 to 9:00 (Monday) Dwight School Canada 2371 Shawnigan Lake Road (250) 929-0506 Where and When…
Candidates forums are a great way to meet the people running for election, and to ask about issues that matter to you. The first all-candidates forum for Shawnigan Lake will be at Dwight School Canada on Monday, November 3rd at…
As I meet and talk with people in Shawnigan, I am often asked, “Why are you running?” The short answer? I am passionate about Shawnigan Lake, and inspired by the incredible people in this community. I believe that if we…