Important Dates

All Candidates Meetings

November 13, 7:00 to 9:00 (Thursday)

Shawnigan Lake School, Hugh Wilkinson Theatre
1975 Renfrew Road, Shawnigan Residents Association sponsor

November 3, 7:00 to 9:00 (Monday)

Dwight School Canada
2371 Shawnigan Lake Road (250) 929-0506

Where and When do I Vote?

Polls are open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  If you reside in Shawnigan Lake, you may vote at any of the polls identified below:

November 15, (Saturday)

General poll at Shawnigan Lake Community Centre
2804 Shawnigan Lake Road – Google Map

November 5 or 12 (Wednesdays)

Advance polls at Island Saving Centre
2687 James Street, Duncan – Google Map

Do You Need a Ride to a Poll?

Phone us at (778) 748-0606 or email us at VoteFurstenau (AT) to arrange a ride.