B.C. NDP campaigns on previously announced health-care promises

Green Leader Sonia Furstenau criticized John Horgan’s use of the Cowichan hospital in his electioneering, calling it ‘irresponsible.’

B.C. Green party Leader Sonia Furstenau blasted John Horgan and the NDP on Monday for coming into her riding and taking credit for a long-planned hospital, while using the project to play politics.

The Green leader, who is the candidate in the Cowichan Valley riding, said Horgan’s campaigning was “irresponsible” and wrong.

“Come and tell us about your vision for the province, come and tell us how you’re going to solve the crises that people are facing, come and tell us how you’re going to ensure that every person in British Columbia has equal access to the services and to the infrastructure that it is government’s job to provide,” she said. “Do not come and instill fear in people in hopes of getting them to vote for you.”

Sonia responds to questions on Liberal tax cuts and NDP hospital announcement.

Vancouver Sun September 29 2020