Sonia on the Politicoast podcast

In our main segment, Canada, British Columbia and the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs reached a tentative agreement on rights and title but have not resolved the outstanding pipeline dispute. Plus our interview with MLA Sonia Furstenau on her bid for leader…

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Furstenau suggests shorter work week, guaranteed income in Green leadership campaign

Sonia Furstenau launched her economic platform as part of her leadership campaign for the B.C. Green Party in Vancouver on Feb. 28. She said the province is at a crucial moment in history where change is necessary, and with the…

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BC Green Party Candidate Wants To Give You Way Shorter Work Weeks For Work/Life Balance

Imagine having an extra day every week to relax, enjoy yourself, and explore your area. It may seem like a dream, but it could actually become a reality for British Columbians one day. A candidate to lead the province’s Green…

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BC Green leadership hopeful Sonia Furstenau pitches shorter work week

BC Green Party MLA Sonia Furstenau is proposing conversations with businesses and labour organization to shorten the work week for full-time workers in an attempt to improve work-life balance. “We are at a crucial moment in history where change is…

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B.C. Green Leadership candidate Sonia Furstenau announces economic platform

VANCOUVER, BC – Sonia Furstenau, B.C. Green MLA for Cowichan Valley launched her economic platform as part of her leadership campaign in Vancouver today. Furstenau will hold a campaign launch in Vancouver alongside David Suzuki tonight at Heritage Hall at…

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Green perspective on pipeline protests

Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley ,BC Green Party Leader candidate, met and spoke with the Wet’suwet’en supporters at the Legislature this weekend. She shares her perspective on the situation with Al. CFAX, February 10, 2020

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Prospective BC Green Party Leader Hoping to Help Diversify Province’s Economy

Sonia Furstenau is currently the only name in the running for the BC Green Party and she would like the job in order to help boost and diversify the province’s economy. Speaking on The Jeff Andreas Show, she says Kamloops is an example…

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Lisa Helps endorses Sonia Furstenau for B.C. Greens Leader

VICTORIA, BC – Lisa Helps, Mayor of Victoria, has endorsed Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley, in her bid to become the next leader of the B.C. Green Party.  “I don’t belong to any political party and I’ve never made…

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Sonia Furstenau announces candidacy for B.C. Greens leader

VICTORIA, BC – Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley, announced that she is running to be the next leader of the B.C. Green Party at Kwench co-working space in Victoria. Furstenau was joined by six endorsers: Eli Enns, Dr. Lisa…

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