All Candidates Meetings November 13, 7:00 to 9:00 (Thursday) Shawnigan Lake School, Hugh Wilkinson Theatre 1975 Renfrew Road, Shawnigan Residents Association sponsor November 3, 7:00 to 9:00 (Monday) Dwight School Canada 2371 Shawnigan Lake Road (250) 929-0506 Where and When…
Candidates forums are a great way to meet the people running for election, and to ask about issues that matter to you. The first all-candidates forum for Shawnigan Lake will be at Dwight School Canada on Monday, November 3rd at…
As I meet and talk with people in Shawnigan, I am often asked, “Why are you running?” The short answer? I am passionate about Shawnigan Lake, and inspired by the incredible people in this community. I believe that if we…
Come join us to celebrate Sonia’s campaign launch to be Shawnigan Lake’s next Area Director. There will be great music, local cheese and bread, delicious baked treats, coffee, and tea. This will be a chance for the community to gather…