Sonia Furstenau statement on suspension of the BC Green Leadership race

COWICHAN VALLEY, BC – Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley and BC Green leadership candidate released the following statement in response to the BC Green Party’s announcement that it is suspending the leadership campaign indefinitely due to COVID-19. 

“At this stage, there remains a lot of uncertainty regarding the full impacts of COVID-19 on British Columbians,” said Furstenau.

“It is clearly inappropriate to continue aggressive campaigning and fundraising in light of the stresses and pressures people are facing. In the past few weeks, we modified our campaign to a digital strategy with a sole focus on listening to and supporting people. Hundreds of people have contributed time, energy and resources to my campaign and I am deeply grateful for their support. I would particularly like to thank my campaign staff who have worked incredibly hard to build fresh excitement around the Party and who now face great uncertainty regarding their futures. 

“The Party is in complex circumstances, even more so than other Canadian parties that are holding leadership races as there will be a provincial election in BC next year. The BC Greens represent the views of hundreds of thousands of voters who want to see more science-based, forward-looking policies. Into next year, BC will face the ramifications of this public health crisis, as well as what may prove to be the most severe economic disruption our province has ever experienced. It is my view that BC must embark on a bold renewal that builds a more equitable, resilient and sustainable province. It is vital that our Party provide much needed leadership on the path forward. 

“As the campaign is suspended, I will maintain my focus on my work as an MLA and as a signatory to the Confidence and Supply Agreement with the government. As a BC Green Party member and MLA, I hope the Party will closely monitor the situation with a mind towards how members can have the opportunity to elect a leader as soon as is possible and appropriate.” 


Media Contact
Jillian Oliver 
Co-Campaign Manager

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